
Saturday, December 30, 2017

Magic in the City by Heather Dyer - ESSENTIAL

Dyer, Heather Magic in the City 143 pgs., Kids can Press, $15.95, Language: G(0 swears, 0 “F”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G; 

Jake and Simon Grubb are brothers who are moving to England to live with their aunt and cousin, and they are not happy about it whatsoever. When they are gifted with an old rug by a magician, they see that life may not be so bad, for this rug is magic. The adventure the two brothers and their cousin go on takes them through time and over raging seas. There is only one question: Will they be home in time for dinner? 

This book was a fun and simple book. It was nice to read something that was geared toward upper elementary because it reminded me to notice the small, simple things in life. 

EL, MS - ESSENTIAL Student Reviewer: JM(9th grade)

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