
Thursday, December 28, 2017

Jack's Path of Courage by Doreen Rappaport-OPTIONAL

Rappaport, Doreen, ill. By Matt Tavares. Jack’s Path of Courage: The Life of John F. Kennedy. Disney Hyperion, 2016. $8.99. INFORMATION. REPRINT.

What inspired John F. Kennedy to become the man he did? JFK was an eloquent with words, a courageous individual, and a charismatic speaker. In this book, Rappaport uses simple, but effective text to bring to life the different aspects of Jack’s life. The illustrations are beautifully done and easily complement the text. Easy to understand, the author and illustrator work well together to draw the reader into the story. Younger readers who enjoy non-fiction or who need to learn about a president for school will enjoy reading this book. Included are sources for more information, a timeline, and a bibliography for use with common core standards.

 EL (K-3). OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Kira M, Youth Services Librarian, WHI Public Library.

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