
Monday, December 4, 2017

Inside the US Marine Corps by Jennifer Boothroyd –ADVISABLE

Boothroyd, Jennifer Inside the US Marine Corps, 32pgs. Lerner, 2017.  $20.
This book features small chapters giving a clear explanation of what the Marine Corps are, how they train, their equipment, and the future of the Marine Corps. It also contains some interesting historical facts and a gear diagram. It features large photographs, and a variety of bright back grounds and layouts to hold interest.
Same as the other book in this series that I review, this is a perfectly set up a book for a K-2 to read on their own and understand. It’s simple and interesting -students will love reading about the training especially. Older readers would prefer more of a DK version. I would buy this set for the library both as a resources for teachers and students, who are often interested in this topic (especially the tanks!). The photographs are well chosen and the book has a very modern and inviting feel.

EL(K-3)  -ADVISABLE.  Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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