
Monday, December 18, 2017

Beach Party Surf Monkey (Welcome to Wonderland #2) by Chris Grabenstein –OPTIONAL

Gravenstein, Chris Beach Party Surf Monkey (Welcome to Wonderland #2) 300 pgs. Random Housee,  2017.  $14. Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: G Violence: G
P.T.’s family owns and lives in a motel in Florida called the Wonderland. In book one he apparently solved a jewel heist mystery and they were able to save their motel from a large developer. In this second book, P.T. and his best friend Gloria are trying to keep the motel running with money making schemes. They hear that a movie might be filmed at a nearby beach they hope to convince someone involved that the Wonderland motel should be part of the movie. Even better, maybe they can be in the movie themselves! But dealing with movie stars turns out to be trickier than they thought and a whole lot of work and creativity will be needed –luckily P.T. is over the top creative.
This book is incredibly goofy and when it P.T. is telling one of his exaggerated stories its not a fun read. The story is busy, fast-paced, and almost frantic –making me feel like I was reading a story that just ate all its Halloween candy. Heavily illustrated, it could work for an upper grade reluctant reader. I disliked reading it so much that I am having a difficult time deciding if a student reader would like it. But since I am the one with the funding to buy or not to buy –I have to say that I would pass on this –it’s just too much of a junk food read.

EL -OPTIONAL.  Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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