
Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Way of the Warrior Kid by Jocko Willink - ADVISABLE

Willink, Jocko Way of the Warrior Kid: From Wimpy to Warrior the Navy Seal Way, illustrated by Jon Bozak. 182 pgs. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan), 2017. $13.99. Language: G; Violence: G; Mature Content: G.

Marc had an awful time in 5th grade--he was bullied because he couldn't swim or do a pull-up, and he felt dumb because he didn't even know his times tables! When Marc's Uncle Jake--a Navy SEAL--comes to visit for the summer, he decides to help Marc become a warrior and change his situation. Through strict discipline in his workouts, study, and eating habits, Marc enters 6th grade much different and ready to be a leader.

I found a lot to like in this elementary-age chapter book. I liked the lessons about self-discipline and working hard, and the illustrations throughout the book make it really appealing to a younger audience. The writing style is certainly not sophisticated in nature, but it gets the job done. My main sticking point with the book was the actual story of an 11-year old boy training daily like a Navy seal during summer break. It never totally worked for me, but I can imagine that young boys might embrace it.


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