
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Up! Up! Up! Skyscraper! by Anastasia Suen - ADVISABLE

Suen, Anastasia Up! Up! Up! Skyscraper, illustrated by Ryan O’Rourke. PICTURE BOOK.  Charlesbridge Publishing, Inc., 2017. $16.99. Content:  G.

This non-fiction book shows how a skyscraper is built from the ground up.  Younger kids will enjoy the bright, colorful pictures and rhyming text.  Older children will be more appreciative of the additional, non-rhyming, more detailed text.  With labeled illustrations, children will expand their construction vocabulary and gain a better understanding of all that goes into building a skyscraper.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer:  Nancy W.

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