
Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Tortall: A Spy’s Guide by Tamora Pierce - OPTIONAL

Pierce, Tamora Tortall: A Spy’s Guide: Compiled by George Cooper, Tortall’s Spymaster, 294 pages.  Random House, 2017.  $25. 

While this is called a spy’s guide, I am mystified why it starts out with a letter from Alanna to George telling him she’s pregnant again.  After that it is a mishmash of letters, reports, lists, and other stuff that only gives you insights and interest if you read everything slowly and carefully.  As much as I adore all of Pierce’s books, this one I don’t.  I’m going to hand it off to a student who just read most of the stories to get his opinion also.

MS – OPTIONAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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