
Friday, November 3, 2017

Spine-Tingling Urban Legends by Karen Kenney -OPTIONAL

Kenney, Karen Spine-Tingling Urban Legends 32 pgs. Lerner, 2018.  $20.
This book features a wide range of urban legends from bigfoot, to bloody Mary, to bugs in your ears, haunted bridges, and the grave of Amie Laveau in New Orleans. Lots of bright and well-chosen photographs accompany the legends.
This book is maybe a bit too creepy for younger students, the whole section on bugs hatching from your body is fairly nightmare inducing (at least for me!). Better for 4th grade and up. I would also be a bit worried about introducing the bloody mary legend to students that had never heard it before, I can already hear the parents uproar. Upper grade students would find this book fascinating.

EL –OPTIONAL.  Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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