
Thursday, November 9, 2017

Click'd by Tamara Stone - ESSENTIAL

Stone, Tamara Ireland Click'd, 288 pgs. Hyperion, 2017. $16.99. Language: G; Violence: G. Mature Content: G. 

Allie spent all summer at a coding camp and returns for a new year at middle school excited to show off the new app she created--Click'd. Its a game that allows you to connect with other users and make new friends, and Allie is prepared to compete with it at a gaming competition next weekend. However, just as the game really takes off at Mercer Middle School, Allie discovers a defect that threatens the privacy of players as well as the stability of her game. Allie will have to fix her game and find a way to make the ensuing mess right for everybody. 

I absolutely loved this book from start to finish. The story is well-written and feels very real and modern. The story moves quickly but never feels rushed. I liked that the book was 100% free of language, violence or mature content. And I especially appreciated reading a book about coding that is aimed at girls, but that boys can enjoy too. This is an absolutely essential pick for middle school and upper elementary readers. 


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