
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett - OPTIONAL

Bennett, Jenn  Alex, Approximately, 388 pgs.  Simon Pulse, 2017.  Content: Language: R (87 swears; 1 “F”); Mature Content: R (on page sex; underage drinking and drug use); Violence: PG-13 (bloody fist fight).  

Bailey has always considered herself a dodger, someone who avoids all confrontation and likes to not get too involved.  Bailey has moved from her mom’s house in Washington D.C. to her father’s house in California to avoid her mom’s failing marriage to her stepfather and it just so happens that her online friend “Alex” also lives in the same town as her father.  Bailey sets out to unravel the mystery of who Alex might be before she admits to Alex that she is in town, but along the way she finds herself falling for a guy at work named Porter whom she has a love/hate relationship with.  Bailey starts being real with herself and her new friends and coming to terms with the parts of her past that made her avoid confrontation.

This is a fun romance read with a little bit of predictability.  I liked the characters and the setting and their growth was fun to follow.  The characters had depth and backstories that were interesting.  There is a lot of content throughout.  

HS – OPTIONAL.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.     

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