
Friday, October 13, 2017

What Makes a Monster? by Jess Keating - ADVISABLE

Keating, Jess  What Makes a Monster?  Illustrated by David DeGrand  PICTURE BOOK Alfred A. Knopf, 2017.  $17.99  Content: PG.  

Sixteen different interesting animals are analyzed and their characteristics are compared to what we consider monsters.  As you read through the different descriptions the author tries to answer what makes a monster.  At the end of the book the author compares some of the animals discussed to monsters like Dracula and Godzilla.  There is also a page that makes the reader consider why they think certain animals look like monsters.  

Each page spread has a full page photograph of the animal, a side bar with facts like their size, diet and habitat and then it has a couple of paragraphs (4-5 sentences long) explaining the animal and how it seems like a monster.  The only reason I put violence as PG is the last animal discussed is the human.  The author talks about how humans use their big brains to create weapons that have killed many people.  There is also talk of the Komodo dragon digging up graves and eating people.  There is a lot of information but the layout is appealing and the information fascinating.  

EL- ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.  

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