
Friday, October 20, 2017

Viva, Rose! by Susan Krawitz - OPTIONAL

Krawitz, Susan Viva, Rose!, Pgs. 218. Holiday House, 2017. $16.95. Language: G, Mature Content: G; Violence: G.

Rose’s family is celebrating Passover this year without her brother Abraham. Her family thinks he has left Texas to stay with family in New York, but Rose knows the truth. He has joined a group of outlaws fighting in the Mexican Revolution. When Rose tries to pass a letter to a man who knows her brother, she is inadvertently kidnapped and taken blindfolded into the desert. While there, she meets the famous outlaw renegade Pancho Villa and his spoiled “daughter” Dorotea. Rose interacts with many interesting people and learns the truth about the revolution. If she can put up with Dorotea’s childish demands, she might last long enough to escape, but not until she finds her brother.

This is a multifaceted story that details how a Jewish family inserted itself into the Mexican Revolution. It is based on real people from the author’s extended family. The historical facts are interesting, but will be foreign to students not familiar with Texas or the Southwest. It’s a renegade cowboy story with religious undertones. There’s many great morals presented in the story such as don’t judge people, don’t blame others for your problems, and don’t try to change people. Highly recommended for libraries in the Southwest. Hard sell for students in the Midwest or East Coast.

 EL, MS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Valerie McEnroe, Media Specialist

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