
Wednesday, October 25, 2017

The Eagle (Animals in the Wild) by Renne Rahir - OPTIONAL

Rahir, Renee The Eagle (Animals in the Wild), PICTURE BOOK. Clavis, 2017.  $20.

Readers learn all about the Golden eagle in this engaging book told in question and answer format. Fairly simple information includes where they live, do they live together, what do they eat, how eaglets grow up, and more.  Beautiful illustrations accompany each page.

I say this too much –but I am not a huge fan of illustrated non-fiction for the valid reason that they receive less checkouts. I don’t think this book has enough cover appeal for student readers, but that being said the illustrations inside are quite beautiful and the text is playful and fun (run little rabbit!).  A teacher could easily use this for a read-aloud and the question and answer format would lend itself well to that.

EL(K-3) –OPTIONAL.  Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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