
Sunday, October 15, 2017

The 12 Dares of Christa by Melissa Burt - ADVISABLE

Burt, Melissa The 12 Dares of Christa, 294 pages.  Katherine Tegen (HarperCollins), 2017.  $17.  

Content: G.

This was supposed to be the best Christmas vacation ever!  Christa had her trip to Europe with her Mom and Dad all planned out.  Now, however, Mom and Dad are getting divorced, and Christa is headed off with just her Mom who is performing in a traveling play all over the continent.  And Christa is stuck with two chaperones and a bunch of other actors’ children whom she doesn’t really know.  Maybe all is not lost – on the first night she is presented with the first of 12 dares from her father – things to stretch Christa in new ways and hopefully help her be again the vibrant, fun girl she used to be.

Burt paints a gamut of emotions during her foray into Christa’s story.  While it would be easy to mistakes this for 13 Little Blue Envelopes, they are at their hearts very different and each good in their own way.  I especially like the authentic dynamic between Christa and her mother.

MS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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