
Monday, October 16, 2017

Miss Little’s Gift by Douglas Wood - ADVISABLE

Wood, Douglas Miss Little’s Gift: a heartfelt memoir about ADHD and learning to read.  PICTURE BOOK.  Illustrated by Jim Burke.  Candlewick, 2009, 2017.  $7.  REPRINT.  9780763698379

Douglas was already in trouble all of the time for his behavior at school, but now his teacher, Miss Little, wanted him to stay after school every day to get help learning to read better.  Darn!  But Miss Little found books that appealed to the adventurer in Douglas and little by little he actually learned to enjoy reading – so much so that when he grew up he became a writer.

I enjoyed this when it first came out in 2009 and enjoy it again.  I still think it is a great present for a new or even a veteran teacher.

EL – OPTIONAL, GIFT – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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