
Friday, October 13, 2017

Buildablock by Christopher Franceschelli - OPTIONAL

Franceschelli, Christopher  Buildablock  Illustrated by Peskimo  BOARD BOOK  Abramsappleseed, 2017 (Abrams).  $16.95  Content: G.  

This book shows all the different machines and their functions to build a city.  One page spread will say what the machine does and then you turn a cut out page that will label the machine.  As the book goes on a city begins to form from all the work being done.  

This is a cute bright board book with creative lift the flap type pages.  There are many pages and it is a fat book, with the spine about 1 ½ inches thick.  Because the spine is so big I’m not sure how long it would hold up in a library.  But this would be a good book for truck lovers.  

PRE-K- OPTIONAL. GIFT-ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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