
Thursday, September 14, 2017

When Planet Earth Was New by James Gladstone -NO

Gladstone, James When Planet Earth Was New, PICTURE BOOK. Owlkids (Candlewick), 2017. $19.

This is a very simple book about how life on earth looked millions of years ago, developing oceans, air, and eventually life. It continues through today. Using the most basic language tells the readers how simple life evolved into more complex life. Features lovely illustrations.

I don’t think the birth of earth and its evolution could be explained more simply than this. That being said, the word evolution is a complex process and the term is used quite frequently in this book. It’s a difficult concept to grasp without a solid foundation in science. It would go right over the head of younger readers and if used as a read aloud to older students, who might be studying this topic –the book would be too childish and simple. In the Utah Core Curriculum evolution is taught in 7th grade.

EL(K-3)–NO.  Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author

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