
Sunday, September 3, 2017

Venturess by Betsy Cornwell - ADVISABLE

Cornwell, Betsy Venturess (Mechanica #2), 311 pages.  Clarion (Macmillan), 2017.  $18.  Mature Content: PG-13, Language: G, Violence: PG

Nicolette is out from under the thumb of her evil stepmother and making a good living with her inventions.  She stills refuses to marry the Heir, Fin, to complete the Cinderella story, but she, Fin, and Caro are still a close-knit threesome.  Her country is balanced between the Brethren, who hate the Faerie, and those who wish for a final peace not any more war.  When Nic receives a message from her old family butler that the Prince of Faerie is willing to talk, the trio undertakes a very risky venture that may very well end in death.

Cornwell goes in a new direction for her second book of the series, thankfully.  The Cinderella trope worked just fine for #1, but I think I would have torn out my hair had #2 followed another fairy tale.  The trio relationship between Nic, Fin, and Caro is explored further, but there is nothing sexual (yet) about their interactions.  Most of the action and danger is quite compelling to read; the character of Fitz is the only place where I was a bit mystified. Overall, I read this quickly and enjoyed the read.

MS – OPTIONAL; HS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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