
Wednesday, September 6, 2017

I'm Awake! by Maxwell Eaton III - OPTIONAL

Eaton, Maxwell, III.  I’m Awake!   Alfred A. Knopf (Random House), 2017.  $16.99.  Content: G.  PICTURE BOOK.
The little critter kid tries to wake up his dad.  His dad is very sleepy.  It’s still dark outside.  The newspaper isn’t there yet.  The little critter says that he made pancakes and used all of the paper towels.  The critter continues to try to wake up his dad by ringing the doorbell and saying there’s a cat downstairs.  The little critter does a loud impression of a cat and the dad gets an idea.  He asks the critter to do an impression of him.  The critter pretends to be tired and falls asleep.  The dad goes back to sleep too.

The illustrations were created using pen and ink with digital coloring.  Most of the humor in the book is unspoken, but portrayed by the wild cats in the pictures.  There are several word bubbles giving the book the feeling of a graphic novel/comic book.  Any parent who has a child that likes to get up really early in the morning (and wake them up too) will relate to this book.    
Pre-K-OPTIONAL.  Samantha Hastings, MA, MLS. 

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