
Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Romeo, Juliet and Jim by Larry Schwarz and Iva-Marie Palmer –NO

Schwarz, Larry and Palmer, Iva-Marie Romeo, Juliet and Jim 278 pgs. Henry Holt, 2017. $17.99 Content: Language: PG (20 swears: 10A, 10FrechforS) Mature Content: PG13 (Sex w/o details, teen drinking); Violence: G

Romeo and Juliet are already secretly dating in this modern day re-telling. They live in Paris and are the scion of competing enemy fashion houses. They are both wealthy, popular and good looking. They wish they could share their romance with the world, but must keep things secret, sleeping together in seedy motels and using a secret email account. Then just when they are about to be caught, they are saved by a new student to their school, Jim. But it was not accident that Jim was there, and now he questions his loyalties as he starts to fall for Juliet and she for him.

This was hands down one of the worst books I have read for this blog. It was trite, cheesy, shallow, and overly long. Honestly I was to the point where it would have only been more amusing if Jim and Romeo had also fallen in love. Where was the true beautiful longing, the angst, the unfulfilled desire? It was not here. Lots of references to consummated sex (no details), swearing in French, and teenage drinking. Not for a school library, despite the draw of the re-telling.  

HS –NO Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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