
Friday, August 4, 2017

Mickey Mantle: The Commerce Comet by Jonah Winter - ADVISABLE

Winter, Jonah  Mickey Mantle: The Commerce Comet  Illustrated by C.F. Payne  PICTURE BOOK  Schwartz and Wade Books, 2017.  $17.99  Content: G.  

Mickey grew up in Oklahoma where his father provided for the family by working in a mine.  From the beginning, Mickey’s dad wanted him to be a baseball player so he always had him practicing.  When Mickey was fourteen, he was so ill he almost had to have his leg amputated but his mom convinced the doctors not to do it.  Mickey overcame his sickness and grew big and strong, eventually gaining attention from the New York Yankees where he played ball and broke many records.  

This inspirational sports story will appeal to those interested in baseball.  Until recently, Babe Ruth was the go to baseball biography, but books like this are starting to tell the inspirational stories of other players.  The illustrations are great have a time period feel to them.  There is 2-3 paragraphs per page spread making it a longer read for a picture book.  

EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson

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