
Friday, August 18, 2017

Lucky to Live in Utah by Kate B. Jerome - OPTIONAL

Jerome, Kate B. Lucky to Live in Utah, illustrated by Roger Radtke. PICTURE BOOK. Arcadia Kids, 2017. $16.99. Content: G. 

This is a book designed for kids who call Utah home. Each page offers information about the state of Utah and gives the child who is reading the book the opportunity to add information and drawings right into the story. Its labeled as a "Read Together, Do Together" book. The text is written in rhyme and it is fun how the book encourages kids to write about themselves along with the pages that gives information about the state. For example, a page talks about state celebrations and on the opposing page kids are invited to write in their favorite celebration. Younger readers might enjoy doing this with a parent reading along. Overall, I cannot give this book the highest ratings as it seems to be written pretty generally--allowing the publishers to easily market it to all 50 states with minor changes--and its also a one-person book so would not be a good choice for a library collection. I imagine grandparents might think it a good purchase for a grandchild in the younger grades, but outside of the occasional gift I do not think it would have a great audience. 

EL (K-3)--NO. GIFT--OPTIONAL. Reviewer: TC

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