
Thursday, August 31, 2017

Little PIg Saves the Ship by David Hyde Costello- ADVISABLE

Costello, David Hyde. Little Pig Saves the Ship, PICTURE BOOK. Charlesbridge, 2017. $14.99. 

Little Pig’s brothers and sisters are going to sailing camp and he is devastated that he is too young to go with them. He tries to pass the time with them gone, but it’s difficult until Poppy comes over to help him build his very own tiny ship. They build it together and go off to sail. They have lots of adventures together and Little Pig saves the day when the ship blows off course and he has to use quick thinking to catch it. His siblings are impressed when they return and they have a wonderful summer sailing the ship together. 

A very cute book about family and having adventures when you don’t expect it. 

PRE-K, EL (K-3)- ADVISABLE. Reviewed by Shay, School Librarian

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