
Sunday, July 9, 2017

Seeking Mansfield by Kate Watson - ESSENTIAL

Watson, Kate Seeking Mansfield, 302 pages.  Flux, 2017  $ 15.  Language: PG (15 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG-13 (allusion to sexual encounter); Violence: PG (verbal abuse).

After her father died, Finley’s mother turned to drugs and alcohol and abusing Finley.  When her mother is jailed, Finley was sent to live with her father’s best friend from college, who are kind, but never really treat Finley like a member of the family, especially not Aunt Nora, who verbally attacks Finley every chance she gets.  Her only real friend is the son, Oliver, who sees Finley as his best friend.  Finley’s biggest escape has always been the theater – especially directing, though she can hold her own on the stage.  Then movie stars Harlan and Emma Crawford come to visit their aunt and uncle next door.  Emma is interested in Oliver and Harlan, after a rocky start, makes headway getting close to Finley.  Everything has been thrown into turmoil –hearts most of all. 

I have not read Mansfield Park by Jane Austen – for that I am glad, because I wasn’t constantly comparing one book to the other as I read.  I was able to enjoy the book for what it was – a strongly authored novel that will tug on your heart in many ways.  Finley will find her spine and her way in the world and into your heart.  Don’t bother pointing readers at the original – let them decide on their own whether to read it or not.

HS – ESSENTIAL; MS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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