
Saturday, July 8, 2017

Sarabella’s Thinking Cap by Judy Schachner - ADVISABLE

Schachner, Judy Sarabella’s Thinking Cap.  PICTURE BOOK.  Dial (Penguin), 2017.  $18.

Sarabella’s head spends a lot of time in the clouds.  Her parents love her for her dreamy ways, but they do wish they knew what was going on in her head.  Her teacher likes Sarabella, but is always worried because her daydreaming keeps her from participating in school.  One day during a dream, Sarabella realizes that she needs to show people what is going on in her head, so for show and tell, she brings a beautiful hat that shows some of her many vibrant thoughts.

I loved this little book from the point of view of a daydreamer.  While I was a day dreamer, it never interfered with learning for me. You could easily use this book for a simple art day and shows the dreamers how much more fun it is to let everyone enjoy their musings.

Pre-K, EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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