
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Lucky in Love by Kassie West - OPTIONAL

West, Kassie  Lucky in Love, 333 pgs.  Point, 2017 (Scholastic).  $17.99  Content: Language: G; Mature Content: PG; Violence: G.  

Maddie has always been a hard worker and been very determined. One day she buys a lottery ticket not even hoping to win. To Maddie’s surprise, she wins. When everything that comes from being a millionaire kicks in Maddie isn’t sure she wants to tell her friend and coworker Seth about the lottery. She enjoys being around him and being herself without the glitz and glam of being a millionaire. Will Maddie ever tell him or will he find out? 

I thought that this book was well written and interesting, but I have read books from this author before and I must say this was my least favorite so far, I was disappointed.  I didn’t like how the main character lost track of who she really was and everything she had ever worked for.  

MS, HS -OPTIONAL.  Student Reviewer, Isabelle.

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