
Saturday, July 22, 2017

Libby and Pearl the Best of Friends by Lindsey Bonnie - OPTIONAL

Bonnice, Lindsey Libby and Pearl the Best of Friends. PICTURE BOOK. Harper (Harper Collins), 2016 $14.99.

  Libby and Pearl the piglet have an unlikely friendship. Despite being very different in appearance, they have a lot in common where it counts.  Libby and Pearl play, share, and go on adventures together.  

This book is filled with cute color photographs of Libby and Pearl but it feels more like a blog rather than a book.  Children will enjoy looking at the pictures of the piglet all dressed up doing different activities and wish they had a piglet friend too.  It is definitely a cute idea, but not one I would put on my favorites list.  

Pre-K--OPTIONAL Gina, Media Specialist

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