
Thursday, June 22, 2017

You Don’t Know My Name by Kristen Orlando - OPTIONAL

Orlando, Kristen You Don’t Know My Name, 285 pgs. Swoon Reads (Feiwel and Friends), 2017. $16.99 Language – R (107 swears in both Spanish and English, 8 “f”), Mature Content – PG; Violence – PG13; 

As the daughter of two secret agents, Reagan has been trained and prepared to become an agent herself when she turns eighteen. Her training and the constant moves that her family makes is Reagan’s “normal” life, but this last move has been life altering for Reagan—here, Reagan has found friends and maybe even love. Leaving everything behind is getting harder than it used to be, but when an enemy of her parents comes looking for Reagan, all her training kicks in when she needs it most and lives are depending on her.

Reagan’s story is one that kept me on the edge of my seat and left me wanting more. As the number of pages dwindled, I found myself getting progressively more worried that Orlando would not be able to resolve everything in the pages left—there was no way. Reagan is a strong woman, so it was hard to see her brought so low by the challenges she faces. I look forward to her adventures and growth in the sequel. 

HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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