
Monday, June 26, 2017

The Stone Heart (The Nameless City #2) by Faith Erin Hicks -ADVISABLE

Hicks, Faith Erin The Stone Heart (The Nameless City #2) 245 pages. First Second, 2017. $14.99. Language: G ( 0 swears) ; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (murder).GRAPHIC NOVEL
In the first book Kaidu and Kat stopped an assassination attempt against the General of All Blades. Now the political scene is heating up. The General wants to start a ruling council, decreasing his power and building peace. But his son, who was set to inherit the empire, doesn't agree. Kaidu and Kat discover some pivotal information just as the kingdom is thrown into chaos. Features amazing illustrations with memorable characters. 
The first book was more about the relationship between the two children, but this second book was very much political, and complex at that. I just think its moved more to a middle school arena and I didn't enjoy this book as much as the first. Students at my school LOVED the first book, so of course I will add this book to my collection. 
MS –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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