
Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Sydney Mackenzie Knocks 'em Dead by Cindy Callaghan - OPTIONAL

Callaghan, Cindy Sydney MacKenzie Knocks ‘em Dead, 244 pgs. Aladdin, 2017. $17.99. Language: G (0 swears 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.  

When Sydney Mackenzie’s dad inherits a cemetery, the family moves from southern California to Delaware.  Sydney is shocked that the kids could care less about California, but think living in a cemetery is cool.  In an effort to be the most popular girl in school, Sydney decides to show everyone just how scary it can be to live at Lay to Rest Cemetery.  But what she doesn’t realize is her house really is haunted!  

I was not sure what to make of this book - it had a hard time deciding what it was about. Is it about making friends? Learning not to be a stuck up brat? Moving to a new place? Is it a ghost story? A lesson in Delaware history? A mystery?  I like Callaghans “Lost in” books, but this one was lost in plot ideas.  I think I’ll stick with the Aladdin Mix series instead.  

MS - OPTIONAL  Lisa Librarian

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