
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Super Saurus Saves Kindergarten BY DEBORAH UNDERWOOD - OPTIONAL

Underwood, Deborah Super Saurus Saves Kindergarten, illustrated by Ned young. PICTURE BOOK. Disney (Hyperion) 2017.  $16.99. Content: G. 

Arnold the dinosaur plans to escape from his first day of Kindergarten by turning into Super Saurus and defeating the teacher (Super Saurus’ nemesis Zorgo).  But the teacher has so many fun things planned that Arnold’s plans are forced to change.  The illustrations are colorful and fun, and the end papers feature drawings by “Arnold.”  

This “first day of school” book might require some discussion.  The change from Arnold’s reality to his imagination is subtle and may be missed by a young reader, and it happens so often the book is a bit scattered and disjointed, but it’s a nice story for a nervous kindergartner with a great imagination.  

EL (K-3) - OPTIONAL Lisa Librarian

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