
Sunday, June 11, 2017

Not Your Average Princesses by Erin Downing-ADVISABLE

Downing, Erin Not Your Average Princesses. Pgs. 203. Macmillan Publishing, 2017. $14.99. Language: G, Mature Content: PG, Violence: PG

When evil empress, Geela, invaded the home planets of Pentangle, she kidnapped the parents of Athena, Rhea, Hera, Luna, and Juno. Despite being from different planets, the five decide to band together to stop Geela. They form the group, SpacePop, a girl band that sings about the rebel message of freedom and resistance through music. Recruited as secret agents, the five go undercover to fuel the rebellion. Will their identities remain a secret?

The characters in this book are true to the ones on the Youtube SpacePop girls episodes.They are adorable, easy to relate to, and draw the reader into the story. The plot is engaging and full of action and adventure. The included graphic novel-formatted scenes adds depth and character to the novel. Fans of the Youtube show, science fiction, and adventure will enjoy reading this book.

EL, MS. ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist,  Olympus Jr. High.

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