
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Dorothea Lange: The Photographer Who Found the Faces of the Depression - ADVISABLE

Weatherford, Carole Boston  Dorothea Lange: The Photographer Who Found the Faces of the Depression  Illustrated by Sarah Green  PICTURE BOOK  Albert Whitman and Company, 2017.  $16.99  Content: G.  

Dorothea had polio as a young child and was always aware of those who were less fortunate.  She didn’t do well in school but found an interest in photography and started taking pictures of those around her who were suffering.  Her pictures began to capture the heartache and suffering of the Great Depression and she had some printed in a newspaper.  Eventually her photographs gained enough attention that the government helped those who were suffering.  

This is a great biography on Dorothea Lange which is short and to the point, but hits the major facts.  The illustrations are in muted tones and at the end of the book there are three of Lange’s well known photographs and a more descriptive biography.  This is a short book that is more of a starting point for this time period and made me want more information, but is good for younger readers.  

EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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