
Monday, June 5, 2017

Dear Poppy by Ronni Arno - OPTIONAL

Dear Poppy by Ronni Arno, 247 pages.  Simon and Schuster (Aladdin Mix), 2016. $$7.99.

Content: G


12yo Poppy has recently moved into her grandparents old farmhouse with her widowed dad and brother.  Poppy’s mother died of cancer 5 years ago, and moving into her childhood home may present some problems.  But, when Poppy finds a metal box with letters her mother wrote when she was 12 (addressed to Poppy) she is certain her mother is watching over her.  But the letters show an interesting similarity between mother and daughter - especially when Poppy discovers that Vanessa (her mother’s bully) is the mother of Kathryn (the girl who is making life at her new school miserable).  

Full of small town country charm, 4-H classes and gardening advice balance the daily trials of dealing with a bully, missing mother and dealing with dad - who has started dating. While the bullying was a little over the top - I don’t think teachers and administrators are really that blind about what is going on at their school - the message that some things may change over the years, but other things are still the same, was able to override the mean girl story.  There seems to be some holes in the story, and I would have liked to see some consequences for the bullies. 

Lisa Librarian

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