
Friday, May 12, 2017

The Treatment by Suzanne Young - OPTIONAL

Young, Suzanne. The Treatment, 344 pgs. Simon Pulse (Simon & Schuster), 2014. $17.99 Language – R (106 swear, 21 “f”), Mature Content – PG13 (sex, but not graphic); Violence – PG13; 

Even after going through The Program and having their memories taken away, James and Sloane have found themselves inseparable once more. However, running away has made them more of a target than before. With rumors of rebels, betrayals from their families in Oregon, and The Program doing everything possible to get James and Sloane back, they must decide whom to trust to help them find new lives—but even that isn’t as straightforward as it seems.

This continuation of James and Sloane’s story is not as good as The Program. I have enjoyed the premise of how to cure an epidemic of suicide, and the new characters introduced in The Treatment were wonderful additions. The reason that I did not enjoy this sequel as much is because Sloane goes out of character. The love triangle was forced upon her by Young, making Sloane’s reactions to the dilemma extremely frustrating to read. 

HS – OPTIONAL. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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