
Monday, May 15, 2017

The Last Message Received by Emily Trunko - ADVISABLE

Trunko, Emily  The Last Message Received, 176 pgs.  Crown, 2017 (Random House).  $14.99  Content: PG.  

This is a collection of the last messages that people received from loved ones or friends.  Some are sweet, loving messages and some are sad and mean.  Some of the messages are the last ones received because of death and some are a choice.  Each page has a different message and a short explanation to give the message context.  Some pages have illustrations and the book has bright and bold colors that are attractive.  

At first I found these messages a little melodramatic and hard to believe, but as I kept reading I couldn’t deny that they are powerful.  It makes you reflect on the messages you send to your friends and loved ones.  I think this book could be fun to use in an English classroom and I also think kids would be attracted by the cover and the quick read.  

MS, HS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.   

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