
Friday, May 19, 2017

The Island of Beyond by Elizabeth Atkinson - ADVISABLE

Atkinson, Elizabeth The Island of Beyond, 278 pages. Lerner Publishing Group, 2016. $17.99. 

Language:G (0 swears, 0 ‘F’); Mature content: PG-13( wine, beer, short same sex scene).  Violence:G

Eleven-year-old Martin wants to stay inside and play video games the whole summer. But when his dad wants him to go to his Great-Aunt Lenore’s house on the Island of Beyond in Maine, his summer plans change. Martin doesn’t like it in Maine, but when he meets a boy named Solo on the Island, Martin wants to explore with him, though Martin doesn’t know if he can trust him. Solo is always being wild and taking risks, Martin doesn’t want to take those risks, Solo also is sneaking around and hiding things.

I really liked this book. It did take some time to finally get somewhere and get good. But towards the middle and the ending it got really interesting. I loved how he really shows bravery and adventure, and that really relates to me because I love being adventurous and outside! 

MS - ADVISABLE. 8th Grade Student Reviewer KL

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