
Friday, May 19, 2017

The Heist (Star Wars Adventures in Wild Space #3) by Cavan Scott –OPTIONAL

Scott, Cavan The Snare (Star Wars Adventures in Wild Space #3) 136 pgs. Disney, 2017. $5.99 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
When Lina and Milo’s explorer parents are kidnapped by the Empire, they decide to try to find them and rescue them together with the help of their ship and its android CR-8R. In this third book the children have a lead on the the people behind the rebel transmission they discovered in book 2. Now they travel to a planet, where they have to come to port in a dangerous area of town. Deciding friend from foe will prove tricky and the children face the loss of their android CR-8R. They must rescue him at all costs, he contains secret information from their parents. This third book (spoiler) has a disheartening ending. There is just enough realism to this series, especially this last book, that its hard to see how the children will ever make any head way and its fairly hopeless. This was my least favorite book in the series, though I hope it continues and the next author (they are different with each book) is allowed to move the plot in a semi-hopeful way. 
EL –OPTIONAL Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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