
Thursday, May 11, 2017

Stand Up and Sing: Pete Seeger by Susanna Reich - ADVISABLE

Reich, Susanna Stand Up and Sing: Pete Seeger, illustrated by Adam Gustavson.  PICTURE BOOK. NON-FICTION.  Bloomsbury, 2017.  $18.

Pete Seeger was born in 1919, lived through two world wars, sang during the Civil Rights Movement, and greeted Barack Obama when he became the President of the United States.  Through all of his life, he was compelled to follow the music and use it to express his hopes, his dreams, and his disappointments in the injustices all around him.

Reich’s biographical sketch and Gustavson’s beautiful illustrations weave together a look at an important folk singer and shows the power of music to move people. A great book for a music class, a history class, or as a biography source.

EL (K-3), EL, MS, HS – ADVISABLE.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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