
Monday, May 29, 2017

Ladybug Girl's Day Out with Grandpa by David Woman - ADVISABLE

Soman, David and Jacky Davis Ladybug Girl's Day Out with Grandpa. PICTURE BOOK. Dial Books for Young Readers, 2017. $17.99. 

Lulu (aka Ladybug Girl) is spending the day out with her Grandpa. They visit the Natural History Museum in New York City, and Lulu is excited! She wants to learn "everything about everything" but quickly becomes overwhelmed with how much there is to see and learn. Grandpa takes the opportunity to teach her that learning takes time and the key is focusing on one thing at a time. They agree they will have to visit the museum again (together!) because there is still so much to learn. 

This is another adventure in the popular Ladybug Girl series, though this one comes in hardback rather than the usual board book style. I absolutely love spunky Lulu and her classic childlike enthusiasm and interest in everything. The illustrations are fun--especially how they have incorporated real exhibits from NYC's Museum of Natural History--and the story is classic Ladybug Girl, focusing on "the thrill of discovery" as the cover declares. This will be a great pick for grandfathers of little girls this Father's Day, and a real winner with young female readers who connect with Lulu.

Pre-K, EL (K-3)--ADVISABLE. Reviewer: TC

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