
Saturday, April 22, 2017

Under Rose-Tainted Skies by Louise Gornall - OPTIONAL

Gornall, Louise Under Rose-Tainted Skies, 326 pages. Clarion Books, 2017. $17.99. Language: R (64 swears, 14 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG Violence: PG (A burglary) 

Since Norah was diagnosed with Agoraphobia when she was fourteen, her teenager years have felt isolating and painful. She has great support from her mother and therapist, but she still feels she’ll never see any of her dreams realized. But when a kind boy moves in next door, she realizes that it is possible to not be judged for her mental illness. Her whole world changes as she slowly acquaints herself with her first friend, and he teaches her that her dreams are not so out of reach.  

Under Rose- Tainted Skies is a novel I’d say I admire but do not love. While the author did a fantastic job portraying a character living with mental illness, the dialogue was stilted and the romance an unneeded add on that seemed to be the only external thing happening throughout the entirety of the novel. However, despite its flaws, the climax of this story had me extremely engaged. It just took a bit too long to get that point of enjoyment. 

HS- OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: JD, 12th grade

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