
Monday, March 20, 2017

The Ghastly McNastys (Book #1) by Lyn Gardner – OPTIONAL

Gardner, Lyn The Ghastly McNastys (Book #1) 140 pgs. Kids Can Press, 2013. $16.95 Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G
Tat is a young boy who would love to help his family, they are in financial need. When a treasure map is found, with a treasure supposedly at their nearby beach, Tat is determined to find it. With the help of his best friend Hattie and his cat named Dog, they set off. What they don’t know is that they will have to face a pair of fearsome pirates, the McNastys, who are also in search of the treasure. Tat and Hattie will have to be smart, avoid walking the plank, and watch out for the second mate, Mrs. Slime, who has a never ending supply of snot. Lots of illustrations make the 140 pages seems like a quicker read that would be appealing to a third graders.
I did not enjoy reading this book, it was very nonsensical and silly to the point where I just couldn’t buy into the world. It was gross and goofy, but not in an intelligent and funny way. Kids may enjoy the booger fest, but I think there are books out there that use grossness in a better planned and executed way (See the Otis Dooda series). The illustrations remind me of Roald Dahl and seem very dated.

EL(K-3) –NO  Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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