
Monday, March 20, 2017

Princess and the Peas by Rachel Himes– ADVISABLE

Himes, Rachel Princess and the Peas  PICTURE BOOK.  Charlesbridge, 2017.  $16.99.  Content: G.
In this story a mother is trying to find a bride for her son. Set in African American community of South Carolina, a big part of this book is traditional southern cooking. In fact, to the mom, Ma Sally, cooking is the most important thing for a future bride. When the time comes, the cooking just isn’t up to par, until Princess arrives. But she has something else in mind. Features large illustrations with subdued colors.  
A wonderful re-telling of the Princess and the Pea, this features a strong female protagonist (and kind of a passive male character). I love how she brings what she has to offer, but expects the same from the guy she is competing for. Students will find themselves interested in all the traditional foods, including a  black-eyed peas recipe in the back of the book.

EL(K-3) –ADVISABLE Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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