
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Niko Draws a Feeling by Bob Raczka – ADVISABLE

Raczka, Bob Niko Draws a Feeling. PICTURE BOOK 20 pgs. Carolrhoda Books (Lerner), 2017.  $17.99.  


Niko likes to draw things that can’t be seen, things that can only be felt or heard, like how it feels to have the sun warm your face. He doesn’t draw a face or the sun, but the colors and designs he feels during the experience. Other people don’t understand him and expect him to draw literal things, like objects. He feels sad and misunderstood, until one special new neighbor realizes what he is trying to capture. Feature large images with lots of movement.

This is a wonderful book for encouraging outside of the box thinking. It would be an asset for art teachers or even school counselors or therapists. I also like the idea that friendship is someone who understands you and accepts the uniqueness about you. The illustrations are large enough to share with a group.

Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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