
Thursday, March 30, 2017

My Zombie Hamster by Havelock McCreely –ADVISABLE

McCreely, Havelack My Zombie Hamster 200 pgs. Egmont, 2014. $15.99 

Content: Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G Violence: G

Matt never gets what he wants for Christmas and this year is no exception. This year he got a hamster, which proceeded to escape, then show up dead, then show up as a zombie. Matt’s pretty used to Zombies, after all his city has been dealing with them for a long time, kept safe by walls and anti-zombie squads. But a zombie hamster is something new and this one appears to be dangerous. Matt and his friends try to catch it, but in the meantime they have to go on a camping trip/anti-zombie training, his mom became his new teacher at school, and his best friend is acting strangely.

Given the cover, I thought this would be a book for reluctant 3rd grade readers, but its better suited for upper elementary. The setting is well developed, making it easy to buy into the world that has to cope with zombie’s. There are many characters but the author does a great job of fleshing them out and letting you get to know all of them. The plot is interesting though it has some weak points, I found myself enjoying this read and I think zombies are still popular enough that 4-6 graders will enjoy this read as well.  


Reviewer: Stephanie Elementary School Librarian & Author.

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