
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Kyle Finds Her Way by Susie Salom - ADVISABLE

Salom, Susie Kyle Finds Her Way, 248 pgs. Arthur A. Levine Books (Scholastic), 2016. $16.99 Language – PG (10 swears, 0 “f”), Mature Content – G; Violence – G; 

Middle school is full of new experiences for Kyle. On just her first day, Kyle discovers her inner house of power, punches a bully, is compelled to join the NAVS team, and purposefully gets on the wrong bus home. She’s just trying to do her best, but Kyle doesn’t know how to stop the problems that can all be traced back to her craptastic first day. 

Middle school is difficult for everyone as we try to really figure out who we are and who our friends are. Salom does a great job of illustrating the inner conflict and the drama that results from that struggle, and I enjoyed being a part of Kyle’s growth. The only drawback, for me, was the confusing slang that Kyle would use on every page. 

MS – ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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