Atkins, Jeannine Finding Wonders, 195 pgs. Atheneum Books
For Young Readers, 2016 $16.99. Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content:
G; Violence: G.
Most people, when they think of women scientists of the
past, can’t come up with many names. Well, there are a lot more influential
women scientists than most people think. Maria Merian, Mary Anning, and Maria
Mitchell are women who changed the world’s perspective on science, each in
their own particular way. Information
that is now common in our minds, was discovered by these women that we need to
honor for their amazing work.
This book, told in beautiful poetry, really gave me
knowledge of these three women in science that I had never known. I think that the author told the story of
these women beautifully with a lot of respect for them. It inspired me to believe that I can
accomplish anything. Nothing kept these
women from their accomplishments, even though everything seemed to be against
them. This is a book that I could read
over and over as many times as I wanted and still learn just a little more.
EL, MS - ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: ASJ
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