
Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Because of the Sun by Jenny Sanchez - OPTIONAL

Sanchez, Jenny Torres Because of the Sun, 258 pgs. Delacorte Press, 2017. $17.99. Language: R(92 swears, 28 "f"): Mature Content: PG-13; Violence: PG-13.  

Dani's mom was lying in the backyard by the pool when a bear wanders in and kills her.  Now Dani is alone, and she doesn't know how she is supposed to feel about her mom being gone.  The truth is Dani hated her mom.  Her mom blamed her for a lot of things, said a lot of mean things and made life hard.  Dani isn’t 18 yet and can’t be on her own so a neighbor offers her a place to stay until child services decide what to do.  A few days later, Dani finds out she has an aunt living in New Mexico that has agreed to take her in.  She didn't even know her mom had a sister, she always told Dani they were alone.  How can she move to New Mexico and live with someone she knows nothing about?  

I enjoyed this book, although it wasn't a favorite.  I liked Dani and felt for her and appreciated the growing she did throughout the story as she copes with her mother’s death, but I didn't always like the rambling feel of the writing.  I just wanted to get back to the story.  While there is some heavy stuff in the book, it isn't graphic, although the language count does take the recommendation to HS only.  Students that like realistic fiction may like this book, as well. 

HS – OPTIONAL Reviewer: RB 

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