
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Wolf Hollow by Lauren Wolk - ADVISABLE

Wolk, Lauren  Wolf Hollow, 291 pgs.  Dutton Children’s Books, 2016 (Penguin Random House).  $16.99  Content: Language: G; Violence: PG-13; Mature Content: PG.  

Annabelle is an eleven year old girl from a farming family in the 1940's.  She is surrounded by good family and is friends with the town recluse Toby.  One day a new girl, Betty, shows up at school and starts to bully and threaten Annabelle.  When Annabelle won’t cow to Betty, Betty starts to get violent and manipulates those around her to pass the blame to Toby.  As events come to a head, Annabelle has to decide how to help herself and Toby.  

This book is very well written with great character development and a good coming of age story.  Betty is a malicious bully, casting an intense and unsettling feel throughout the book.  The violence includes a girl losing her eye, an impaling and Toby is a World War I vet and shares some descriptive deaths from war time.  The cover is beautiful and the story is well done.  

MS – ADVISABLE.  Reviewer, C. Peterson.

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