
Monday, February 27, 2017

Wires and Nerve by Marissa Meyer - ESSENTIAL

Meyer, Marissa Wires and Nerve (Lunar Chronicles graphic novel), 238 pages.  GRAPHIC NOVEL, illustrated by Doug Holgate.  Feiwel and Friends, 2017.  $22.  Language: G (1 swear); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (bloodless).

Iko has taken it upon herself to go to Earth and track down the remaining wolf soldiers and return them to Lunar or kill them.  For the most part she has been successful, but the few that have escaped her grasp have plans for Iko, Cinder, and all of their friends. 

This new graphic novel continuing the Cinder series reads very fast.  It was hard for me to get used to the artist’s vision of each of the characters; the worst is how gerbil-like most of the soldiers look.  Once I could differentiate most of the characters it got easier, but this is definitely not the style of illustration I would have preferred.  It feels more like slap-dash comic book art than I would have personally liked (blaming the art direction choices, not the particular illustrator here).  However, I can’t resist another Cinder story and neither will you or your students!  

MS, HS – ESSENTIAL.  Cindy, Library Teacher

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